Finally, A Simple Way To Harness Your Body’s Most Powerful Weapon To Fight Nail Fungus From The Inside Out

Supports health and helps fight fungus so you can:

Enjoy cleaner, clearer nails

Reduce feelings of embarrassment

Even boost energy levels and confidence


The Hidden Cause of Nail Fungus

Fungus is everywhere. In fact, a 2015 Yale Study even found that “indoor emissions” like ventilation systems and air conditioning units are one of the primary sources of allergenic fungus.

Fungus is essentially super-powered bacteria, and like other pathogen, they attack when your immune system is weakest. In fact, studies show that the reason most people “relapse” and may “never achieve a permanent cure” is because they’re immunocompromised (i.e. their immune system is weak or damaged).

You see, more and more, modern science is starting to realize that the gut is the “second brain” of the body. It regulates our hormones, protects us against attack and helps us heal ourselves. It’s becoming evident that the gut is a key player in our immune systems. It’s something the modern medical world had forgotten – but our ancestors knew very well. In fact, Hippocrates, the ancient Greek ‘Father of Medicine’ even once said “Let food be thy medicine”.

But, just like putting the wrong type of fuel into your car – without the right “good bacteria” in your gut, your immune system simply can’t function at full capacity (if at all!). That’s why a potent and effective probiotic regimen is vital to good gut health – and it may be the key to defeating nail fungus once and for all.

Why Do Other Treatments Not Work?

As you’ve probably experienced for yourself, while most anti-fungal treatments never seem to solve the problem – it’s not long before the fungus returns.

One of the reasons why this happens is that topical treatments don’t attack the fungus at their roots – literally. Much like a weed, fungus imbeds its roots into your body, and if those roots aren’t destroyed, it’s only a matter of time before the fungus grows back.

Alongside this, other products make use of Curcumin, much like we do. Unfortunately, they don’t go the extra mile to ensure that it’s “bioavailable” enough – which is a HUGE issue!

Bioavailability is the amount of a substance that enters your bloodstream. More bioavailability means you actually get the health benefits you’re looking for. But less bioavailability? That means you’re wasting money.

Until now

We’ve Figured Out How To
Fight Fungus – At Its Root!

The Fungus Defend formula brings together a selection of probiotics and curcumin to destroy fungus from the inside out.

Our formula also equips curcumin with something called “Bioperine,” a Black Pepper extract that enhances the bioavailability of co-administered nutrients. Essentially what this means is that it ensures the body can absorb as much of the nutrients Fungus Defend is delivering as possible.

All these ingredients together will help support your body and overall health to win the fight against fungus (as well as bringing you a whole host of other health benefits).

Fungus Defend Helps Weed Out Fungus and Gets Your Body Fighting Fit

Just 1 capsule a day to support a healthier, happier you.

Turn cracked, yellow nails into clear, healthy ones

You could finally rid yourself of the nail infections that keep coming back with a combination of powerful fungal fighters that have been proven to fight fungus like Curcumin and Lactobacillus Plantarum.

Protect from future fungal attacks

Enjoy protection that lasts for months (if not years) with the help of “good bacteria” like Lactobacillus Casei, as well as preventative probiotics like Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Lactobacillus Acidophilus. Not to mention of course the protection that healthy, healed nails bring by preventing yeast-based infections that work by attacking already damaged nails.

Stop feeling frail and vulnerable

Probiotics like Bacillus Subtillis and Bifidobacterium Longum work to regulate the immune system in general. That means they’ll help you provide support to the immune system, and they might protect you from a whole host of other conditions – so you don’t have to feel so frail and can get on with living your life.

Feel less bloated and experience better digestion

Probiotics like Bifidobacterium Breve have been proven to aid digestion (so less discomfort after eating) and may even reduce Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

The problem with other probiotics? Most supplement companies don’t care to make their products bioavailable using natural ingredients (and safe production methods).

We’re not just different — we’re better. We formulate each bottle of Fungus Defend for maximum bioavailability and absorption. This requires five things most curcumin brands can’t, or simply won’t, deliver:

Premium Piperine Extract for Absorption

Your body struggles to absorb all the nutrients you give it. That’s the hard truth about most supplements. The result? Millions of dollars wasted each year on ineffective “cures” sold by companies more interested in their bottom-lines than your results.

This brings us to the topics of bioavailability and absorption. Which, as you’ll know by now, are crucial if you want to take advantage of curcumin’s incredible health benefits.

Numerous studies point to Piperine as one of the most effective bioavailability enhancers available. In fact, in certain cases, it can increase absorption by 2,000%! With 2.5 mg of Piperine in every capsule of Fungus Defend, you can rest easy knowing each serving is more absorbable - and more effective - than curcumin alone.

Third Party Tested for Purity

Third-party testing is essential in the supplement industry. That’s because contaminants, plus unbalanced ratios of ingredients, may lead to an increased risk of toxicity. Without third party testing, you just don’t know if what you’re sold is actually inside the bottle.

Every bottle of Fungus Defend gets tested in an objective laboratory in Akron, Ohio. This ensures you’re not only getting the most effective supplement available, but that it’s also free of contaminants. Plus, it has the perfect ratio of active ingredients to deliver results.

GMO Free and Vegan

Genetically modified products are about as unnatural and harmful as it gets. Not to mention, it defeats the whole purpose of turning to “natural” supplements for improving your health! That’s why each bottle of Fungus Defend is GMO free, vegan, and contains zero harmful additives or filters.

Incomparable Price Per Dose

Once you experience the incredible benefits of Fungus Defend, we know you’ll want to continue using it for a long time. To ensure you can do this without breaking the bank, our premium supplements are available at an incomparable price per dose. Fungus Defend is packed to the brim with a whopping 450 mg of Turmeric. At $69 per bottle, that’s only $2.30 per day — nearly 114% cheaper than a small Starbucks coffee!

Plus, it gets even better thanks to our enhanced absorption. So, don’t lose money every month on inferior supplements. Try Fungus Defend today and experience the incredible benefits for yourself.

180 Day Money Back Guarantee

Try it and if you don't feel a difference,
it's money back time. There's no risk.


Here’s What Our Customers Are Saying…

Most of my nails have cleared up. It took a few weeks to show improvement and it was presently surprising. I've tried many products in the past but this is the first one that works. 1/3/2022, William Clark
I've been taking other anti-fungal for years with no results. I started taking this product and have been seeing great results. I feel more energized and fresh when I wake up in the morning. It works so well I also ordered it for my mom. 12/21/2021, Gina Malone
I started seeing results after a few weeks, so it seems to be working as promised. Just re-ordered my second batch! 2/1/2022, Blanca Baker
The nail was yellowish but within the first week or two of using Pure Nails Pro it was getting lighter - I can now see almost all the way through the nail. 1/27/2022, Christian Anderson
I have been using this for about 90 days and I'm showing some improvement. I will continue to take this product and follow the directions. 1/24/2022, William Weatherford
I have always had a problem with fungus. It made sense after watching the video. After the first bottle the thumbs are looking better. 2/3/2022, Filiz Halef
Clean Ingredients
Science-Based Formulas
Real Results

The Fungus Defend Ideology

We pride ourselves on being involved in all processes from research and development, to product release. That’s because we’re well aware of the manipulation and scams that plague the supplements industry. Using our 27 years of experience and resources, our mission is simple: bring you the highest quality product possible. That’s why Fungus Defend was carefully and thoughtfully formulated with YOU in mind, every step of the way.